






Practice your tolerance for uncertainty.

Understand your personal rhythms.

Your right rhythm.

Practice your reset.

Regenerate your organs, you’ll need them for the future.

Practice your reverie.

What worlds have you dreamed of for the post – Corona life?



Practice renaming things,

rethink your words,

update your language.

Activate your planetary consciousness.

Your internal fidelity.


You must be open to decode the information

that is going down in these months of confinement.

Open the space to process.

Activate the understanding of your body,

of your human ship.

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You should activate support and collaboration networks.

Until the last person is in misery,

All of us will be in misery.


Share, give your hands.

Give your feet.


We share the conditions of a planetary life.

Accept that we are inserted into a collective woven from the micro to the macro.

Because we are a single energy entity.

Ascend to the community.


Understand planetary times.

This pandemic is to reset us.

To put us in crisis.

Allow yourself to be reset,

until you align yourself with the changes.


Allow yourself to be transformed.


Release your body.


This is just a training.

Worse crises are coming. SHIT!

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Allow yourself to be completely changed,

until the flows find their ways.

To be balanced again,

in the new post-Coronoa worlds and in the new worlds that will come,

while all the shit in this system and in us is being squeezed.


Let’s squeeze,

Let’s extract,

Let’s extrude the senses,

With kindness.

With kindness.


Immediately, permanently and urgently.


Planetary reset.


Everything going to burn until we change.

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